Welcome! Today is: January 7, 2014. As of today you only have to write an average of 140 words per day to complete a 50,000 word novel this year. Good Luck!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

If you're here, you've probably made some resolutions. Maybe you're going to hike the Appalachian Trail this year, or become the astronaut you've always dreamed of being. Maybe you're going to win American Idol (is that still relevant?), meet-woo-and marry the person of your dreams. Go for it!

How about write a novel?

Crazy talk, you say? Nah! It's a New Year, baby! You have 365 brand spanking new unused days to do with as you please.

What if you wrote only One Page per day. That, my friends, is how novels are made. In fact, I want to dedicate this years blog to motivating writers to write. The goal is to finish a novel in a year and work toward writing every day. I'll even give you 31 free-days to do with as you please. At the end of the year, I'll give cash money (well, probably gift cards and a virtual high-five) to five random people who participate (check out the bottom for the very sparse, probably going to grow much longer list of rules, regulations and etc).

PLUS! Throughout the year, I'm going to give away prizes to people just for checking in and saying hello. Tell me how you're doing. Leave a comment. Whatevs.



Now, go party...for tomorrow, you write!

Love, Me